Sessions & Prices Most people will simply come for a session and together we will work out how to tailor the work to your needs. This could result in any of the following options, though it is important to remember that you must not have more sessions than feels appropriate to you, and you can decide as you go whether the process is working for you or not.
Ten Series Most people choose to have what we call The Ten Series. This is a series of ten goals, which fit together to form a complete tour of the whole structure. Often each goal can be achieved in one session, and sometimes, if we are addressing a particularly challenging structural issue, we can choose to stay in the area for more than one session.
Body Reading In this session we analyse the Stress Pattern in depth.
All series start with a body reading session but some people choose to have only this session because they want to be better informed about why certain symptoms are coming up for them, or just because they want to take stock of where they are at. This information can help them decide which positions are helpful or damage them as applied to their daily activities.
Localized Sessions Some people will come because they have a particular issue, like scarring for example, and would like help to create more freedom in one particular area. We do not expect scars to disappear completely, but they can frequently ease up and reduce how much they compromise the tissue around them.
One-offs After having had a series, many people choose to come back for ongoing work when they feel it would be of use. This may be because they want to improve their structure further, or because they have been through a particularly stressful period, or just as a top-up.
Long-term work Some people have deep-set structural issues like scoliosis for example, that will not go away completely but that can be alleviated and become much more manageable, with on-going work.
Advanced Rolfing This is a series of five goals specifically designed for people who have completed a Ten Series.
Rolf Movement Work These sessions are a re-education on how you use your body. They help you to optimize movement to stop you from accumulating unnecessary tension or damage. There are many aspects of movement that can be useful to review, but things like breathing, walking, and sitting are particularly useful as we do them so frequently, and making minor improvements can add up to major benefits. Other areas we frequently look at are the movements that are involved in particular common activities for each client, such as sports, using musical instruments, yoga and so on.
Supervision work for physical therapists This is for professionals who would like help to analyse particularly challenging stress patterns that their clients may be presenting. This is done only with the written consent of the client.
Consultations on Zoom or Skype It is possible to have consultations remotely, for people who are experiencing recurring symptoms which are related to structural issues, such as pain, tension, stiffness, lack of range of movement, postural issues and so on, and would like help to try to unravel what is going on.
These sessions are charged at £60 /hour.
Prices Sessions last between 1 hour and 1 and a half hours and the cost is:
Daytime during the week....£85
From 5pm during the week....£95
Concessions....Deduct £10 from the above
The Cancellation Policy
Sessions booked will be charged at the full rate unless cancelled with at least 48 hours notice, regardless of the reason for the cancellation, except in this time of Covid-19 in which clients are specifically asked to cancel anytime until the session, if they have any suspicion of having Covid-19 symptoms or if they think they may have been exposed to Covid-19.
"In two sessions my rib-cage changed shape. It was much freer, and I could breathe more deeply and fully than I had previously been able to. I felt I was in the hands of someone who knows her field inside and out, and I was benefitting from her many years expertise."
Helen Crocker (Arts Project Manager and Co-Founder of Circomedia)